Fleet Monitoring Systems

Projects listed in varying pieces of equipment and interfaces that were new and needing support. These involved varying aspects from project scope installation, commissioning, support and management.

Let GRAFT Technologies assist with your site systems

High Precision Units Ranged: Electric Shovels, Draglines, Drills, Excavators, Dozers, Surface Miners and Light Vehicles.

Low Precision: Trucks, Auxillary Equipment, Service Vehicles.

 Meandu Mine Stanwell Corporation 2014 16 Motorola Mesh, Ubiquity 
Jigsaw UHP Dawson Mine Anglo American 2013 30 80 Rajant Mesh/Spread Spectrum 
Jigsaw Coppabella Peabody 2012 10 30 Cisco 
Jigsaw Moorvale Peabody 2012 20 Cisco 
Jigsaw MCS Christmas Creek Stage 1 FMG – Downer 2011 40 90 Rajant Mesh/UHF 
Jigsaw MCS Boddington Gold Newmont 2007 25 80 Cisco 
Leica Classic Dawson Mine Anglo America 2005 20 60 Spread Spectrum